A Slice of Hope – Proud Supporter of Make-A-Wish
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Write a Well Wish for Kids

The world has been so blessed to have you in it. I hope and pray that you know you are loved

God loves you. And I love you. Keep your faith, believe with all your heart, and pray. I’ll be praying for you too!

Sending you well wishes for lots of joy, laughter and fun!

Your smile brings me warmth

Be well and be happy :)

Keep on going and shining bright every single day. You are so very strong and such a ray of sunshine to us all.

Your bravery and strength (and wonderful artwork) are an inspiration to us all. My wish is for you to get every one of yours.

I’m wishing for all your dreams to come true in the most amazing and magical ways. You are each so strong, even when you don’t realize it, and your bravery inspires me.

You are such an inspiration. YOU are beautiful and loved.

You are so loved!!!

You are such an inspiration! We are all rooting for you.

Keep the Faith and God Bless you !🤗😘🥰🙏🏽

Stay positive and keep the faith. I wish you well.

Whether we meet or not, I hope to see you in the future, strong healthy and full of life.

Good Luck , Good Health , Good Fortune , Forever.

Thinking of you and wishing for a speedy recovery and Blessings of joy and Happiness

Stay strong and positive and believe that you can conquer anything and you will.

I wish you well

You are strong! You have prayers, love, and support behind you. Keep going, keep fighting, keep smiling! <3

I hoping that your felling better today than yesterday .

Sending up prayers for lots and lots of smiles, laughter, and wonderful days ahead. You are an amazing, strong hero that we all admire so much! I hope all your wishes come true!

I wish for you to have strength and grace through out your journey of life, life is tough but be strong

I hope u get to see great things and awalys stay happy and don’t never give up on ur dreams

wish you health and happiness

Sending you lots of love & happy thoughts from Miami, FL! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I hope your days are filled with joy and laughter. And you feel better soon.

I am sending wishes for a happy day filled with sunshine.

You are incredible!!! you are beautiful!! Proud of you!!!

I pray that all of your wishes come true! ❤️

Jesus loves you

I hope you enjoy happiness and candy

Wishing everyone all the best 🍀

Im wishing you the best please keep your head up

You are being so brave. I'm rooting for you every minute of every day. Sending love and positive vibes your way, always.

Wishing years ahead of blessings and joy

I saw Make a Wish on my bread, and as a volunteer myself, I just want to show my support for you wish kids and families! With these wishes, strength is gained in families!

Sending you many hugs and good wishes and vibes that you get your best and most favorite wish. Enjoy it to the fullest!!

Have so much fun on your wish! Thinking of you and your family

May your WISHES come true! You are STRONG! Sending Love and Prayers!

Wishing all xoxo’s to all kids going thru it, You guys are all shining stars!

You’re a Warrior! Keep fighting you will be on the other side of the rainbow with the biggest smile and no more pain just good health and happiness and love.Blessings.

Wishing you all the best in the future from one amazing wish kid to another amazing wish kid! -Addie age 13

My thoughts are with you. You are mighty special to so many and I know you got this!!!

Praying that you have comfort and support

Your story is truly inspiring.

I hope you get well and are Free of cancer Aden godbless you!

Wishing you a blessed, bright, and wonderful day! You got this!!!

Hope all kids has a great life with love and care

To all the wish kids, I am rooting for you! We hope you get well soon! Stay strong and think positively. Before you know it, everything will be better!

Hope your feeling better very soon. Your so brave. Always remember to keep your head held high. You are truly loved and cherished.

Wishing you strength and healing. Stay strong and find laughter whenever you can.

Being from a Make a Wish family I know how much hope and excitement your wish will bring. Sending positive thoughts and great big hugs enjoy!

I Pray That All Of There Wish's Come True.God Bless Them All.

Dios siempre está con nosotros tu eres fuerte sonríe ala vida

You are strong you are special you need to always know the sky is the limit and that means once you accomplish one goal you set another and keep on going … never stop

You are so strong and brave! I hope you feel better!

Keep your eyes on the prize! Positive vibes sent your way!

Jesus is the only way to heaven. Always remember that and you will thrive.

You are brave, worthy, and loved!

You can do this! You are so brave and strong. Nothing will stand in your way!

Sending a big hug!!!

I hope that your wish brings you great happiness and wonderful memories. My WISH is for you to be a happy healthy kid.

May God Bless you!! Keep your head up!! Your all fighters!! Love you!!

Sending healing vibes and positivity. The world needs YOU!

Be proud of yourself and realize how strong you are! Take it one day at a time and keep fighting. Sending love!

Sending air hugs and well wishes your way today and everyday! ❤️

Wishing you all the happiness and Big hugs in the world

You are amazing and strong. Keep getting stronger!

Hi, I am praying for your healing! I pray you have an enjoyable time with your family.

In this season of your life, please know - I am praying for you and over you!!! Praying for restoration of health and peace. You are strong and courageous!!!! Life might not be easy right now, BUT you will get through this -- and in the future you will be able to inspire others by your story!!! Keep smiling!!!!

Wish kids are heroes - you are all so brave & strong. So glad that Nature's Own is making your life-changing wishes come true.

Thinking of you and praying for you. Sending love!

Hi, I am so sorry this happened to you. Before you know it you will be better. It takes plenty of time to cure major ailments. Relax and think positive thoughts.

I hope you are feeling better and get to go on an awesome trip.

Hello! Never forget to keep up your hope and pray to Jesus, our heavenly father God and your own guardian angels! You can ask them their name too, just stay quiet and ask them in prayer and whatever name pops in your head... that's your guardian angel! Hugs and kisses, Claude

May your wishes come forever true! And every new dream comes true! Lots of Love

Wishing on every star that you are better soon!

Wishing you a beautiful and magical day, surrounded by joy and happiness, doing something that makes you smile.

Wishing you love, strength and healing!


I'm a parent of a St Jude patient (b cell leukemia) and I want say keep fighting and never give up. I know it's a long hard tiresome battle, but give it your all you e got this


You are SO. BRAVE!!!

Wishing you love, strength and healing.

I hope you feel better with every hug and kind thought sent your way.

Thinking of you and everything you’re going through.

Stay strong and keep your head up!

Sending positive vibes!

Hoping today brings you smiles, comfort, and lots of good energy!

The entire Linksy family from Denver is sending you all our love and hope. You are so brave!

We’re rooting for you, kid! You inspire all of us!

A Slice of Hope

Nature’s Own is giving $500,000 to grant wishes for wish kids through 2026

When donors support Make-A-Wish®, it creates a spark of hope that ignites a world of possibilities for kids facing the unimaginable.
